Inverter price in Sri Lanka. POWTRAN PI500 series high-performance inverter is based on the Dalian POWTRAN Technology company’s many years of design, production, sales experience, suitable for all kinds of industrial machinery, fan & water pump drive control and heavy industry such as medium frequency grinding. Products in duct design, hardware configuration, software functions, installation design has greatly improved the customer ease of use and environmental adaptability, function optimization, application is more flexible, more stable performance, greatly improve the product reliability.
POWTRA PI500 ශ්රේණියේ VFD Dalian POWTRAN Technology සමාගමේ වසර ගණනාවක සැලසුම්, නිෂ්පාදනය, විකුණුම් අත්දැකීම් මත සියලු වර්ගවල කාර්මික යන්ත්රෝපකරණ සඳහා සුදුසු පරිදි නිමවා ඇත. යන්ත්රෝපකරණ විදුලි පංකා සහ ජල පොම්ප වේග පාලනය සහ මධ්යම සංඛ්යාත ඇඹරීම වැනි බර කර්මාන්ත සදහා වඩාත් යෝග්යවේ. සැලසුම් කිරීම, දෘඩාංග වින්යාසය, මෘදුකාංග ක්රියාකාරිත්වය, ස්ථාපන සැලසුම වැනි දෑ පාරිභෝගිකයින්ගේ භාවිතයේ පහසු පරිදි සකසා ඇත
Technical Features
- Two control modes: V/F control, Vector control W/O PG Vector control W/PG
- Starting torque: 0.5Hz/150%(Vector control W/O PG)
- Internal brake unit has been deployed, and the braking resister can be connected outside for a quick stop
- Five kinds of V/F control, which are constant torque V/F curve, One kind of customer defined V/F curve, 3 kinds of down torque curve (2.0/1.7/1.2 times the power).
- Through PLC or internal control terminal, multi-speed control and PID control could be realized. And users could combine a variety of operating modes while it’s necessary
- Supporting multi-frequency deploy methods: digital setup, PID setup, analog quantity setup, and communication setup
- Supports starting and stopping DC brake
- PI500 is Equipped with jump frequency control, which prevents mechanical resonance and makes the system more stable and reliable
- PI500 has build-in PID in order to establish close-loop control system easily
- PI500 is designed with the central frequency switch function, which let the end user to fix the central frequency while it is necessary
- PI500 has been equipped with RS485 communication interface, which support MODBUS protocol with ASCII and RTU forms
- Working with water supply accessory to realize multiple-pump stable constant pressure water supply
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